The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals, and records held by the Company under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions | ||||
1. Matters pertaining to Company Affairs i. Memorandum & Articles of Association. ii. Various Rules under Companies Act, 2013. iii. Decision of the shareholders in the General Meetings and Board of Directors as contained in the minute books. iv. Delegation of powers 2. Matters pertaining to Finance & Accounts i. Accounting policies. ii. Accounting Standards. iii. Budget & Budgetary Controls. 3. Matters pertaining to Personnel i. Employees Conduct, Discipline and Appeal Rules. ii. Recruitment Rules. iii. Department/Promotional Examination Rules. iv. Retirement Rules. v. Leave Rules. vi. Deputation/Absorption Rules. vii. Pay & Allowance Rules. viii. Advances Rules. ix. Medical Reimbursement Rules. x. Employee’s Provident Fund Rules. xi. Group saving linked Insurance Rules. xii. Gratuity and Benefit Rules. xiii. Security from subordinates Rules. 4. Matters pertaining to Purchase, Maintenance and Verification of Stores and Stock i. Rules for purchase of stores. ii. Rules for physical verification of stores, assets, timber and consumables articles etc. iii. Rules for fixation of issue rate for material. iv. Rules for disposal of unserviceable articles/scrap material. 5. Matters pertaining to Internal Audit i. Internal Audit by Pay & Accounts Officers (PAO) and Assistant Pay & Accounts Officer (APAO). ii. Internal Audit Rules. iii. Timber used for Department works- Procedure for charging the cost of timber. 6. Matters pertaining to Sales & Marketing i. Standard Auction Sales Condition. ii. Standard Haulage Tender Conditions. iii. Procedure for condoning minor irregularities in tenders. iv. Negotiation Committee-Constitution and scope. v. Tenders Terms & Conditions. vi. Precautions to be taken while submitting tender for acceptance/rejection to competent authority. 7. Matters pertaining to Management Plans i. Procedure for writing the Management Plans. ii. Procedure for Approval of Management Plans. iii. Guidelines issued by the Managing Director for working in OWR, Plantation Thinning and Buffer Area. iv. National working plant Code, 2014. 8. Matters pertaining to Forest Protection and Regulation i. Protection of forests in the Company area. ii. Responsibility of Forest Staff and Officer’s. iii. Revised Norms of forest protection. 9. Matters pertaining to Turnkey Projects and Guidelines i. Guidelines for undertaking projects on Turnkey basis 10. Matters pertaining to Medicinal Plant Conservation and Development i. Establishment of Medicinal Plants Branch. ii. Mandate of Medicinal Plants Branch. iii. Delegation of powers. In addition to the above mentioned rules & guidelines the following Acts & rules are also implemented: i. The Indian Forest Act, 1927 and rules made there under. ii. The Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 and rules made there under. iii. The Forest Conservation Act, 1980. iv. The Guidelines, directions and orders etc given by Central/State Government. v. The list is inclusive list. |
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