The quality of seeds is the paramount requirement for successful raising of teak plantations. Sticking to this basic principle, the FDCM has identified and developed its own Teak Seed Stands (SS) and Seed Producing Areas (SPA) in the forest areas assigned to it to ensure that seeds used in the raising teak plantation is collected from the identified sources only. Specific provisions and methodology have been embodied in the Management Plan itself for maintenance of Seed Stands (SS) and Seed Producing Areas (SPA) so that this vital aspect of teak plantation management is adequately taken care of Dedicated staff has been deployed for seed collection from the aforesaid identified sources from where collected seeds are sent to the seed processing units.
The collection of teak seeds from the identified sources is not adequate unless it is processed before its use in Nursery. To achieve this objective, dedicated Seed Units are in place at Nagpur and Ballarshah (Chandrapur) where the collected seeds pass through different stages of processing after which they are stored following the strict protocol. Apart from internal use of treated seeds in the FDCM itself, they are in great demand in the adjoining States like Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh.
Teak Seed Fruits
Seed Mesocarp removal Stage
Source wise seed is spread uniformly
Treated Seed
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