Plantation inventory Unit was established in 1993 with the clearcut mandate to carry out inventorisation of the existing Teak plantations and to assess the productivity of the Teak plantations so as to estimate the total growing stock and it's value.

1. Data Collection:

Phase I: Data from teak plantations raised between 1970 and 1987.
Phase II: Data from teak plantations raised between 1988 and 2010.
Both phases involve measurement and inventorization of the plantations.

2. Sampling and Plot Design:

• Permanent sample plots of 0.25 hectares (50 meters x 50 meters) are established using a random. Sampling method with a sampling intensity of 1%.
• These plots serve as representative samples for the plantations.

3. Measurements and Analysis:

Growing stock is measured and inventorized in each sample plot to evaluate changes over time.
The analysis focuses on:

• The impact of thinning operations.
• Transition of trees from lower to higher girth classes.
• Changes in the number of remaining trees.
This systematic approach provides a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics and productivity of teak plantations.

4. Growing Stock and Valuation:

The following table summarizes the growing stock and its valuation based on 1% area sampling conducted during different time periods:



Measurement No. of Sample Plots  Area (In ha.) Growing Stock (Lakh cum.)

Valuation (Rs in crores)

1995-96 to1999-2000

First 2,552 89,346.196 25.10


2000-01 to 2004-05

Second 3,463 90,239.953 28.36


2005-06 to 2009-10

Third 3,643 89,572.172 31.60


2010-11 to 2014-15

Fourth 3,270 70,010.795 25.10


2015-16 to 2019-20

Fifth 2,791 54,829.57 20.68



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